Harrogate, Tennessee

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About Harrogate

Harrogate became a city in 1993. The city limits cover an area of 6.58 square miles that contains approximately 4215 acres.  With a population of 4400 (based on the 2020 US Census), it's the largest city in Claiborne County. Harrogate is home to Lincoln Memorial University. On the campus of LMU you will find the Lincoln Museum. The museum houses one of the largest Lincoln collections in the world.

More about Harrogate

The area has been known as Harrogate since the 1800's but it wasn't until 1993 that Harrogate was officially declared a city. Dr. George Day was elected the city's first Mayor. When first incorporated the population was approximately 2700 but as new land was annexed the city grew. 

The 2010 US Census showed the total population at 4,389. Along with the growth came street lights, traffic lights, and a city park. The city's growth brought new businesses to the area. With the addition of the Harrogate Industrial Park, the city hoped to bring in even more businesses.

The 2020 US Census has Harrogate's population as 4,400. These figures seem low when compared to the growth on the LMU campus and throughout Harrogate. Tennessee was among six states that are listed as being undercounted during the census. Here is a link to the US Census Bureau website with information regarding this. An undercount has an impact on federal, state, and local funding since many revenue streams are based on per capita numbers. Click here for up-to-date population data from The Tennessean website.

Fast forward to current day. Due to the loss of the property lease for the original Harrogate City Park which was located on Hwy 63, the City of Harrogate now has a new park dedicated to youth sports, a playground with a concession/picnic pavillion, as well as a walking trail. The city has recently acquired the old Optimist Little League field and is in the process of refurbishing that site as well. These facilities are giving the youth and families of our city and surrounding area a place to enjoy outdoor activities.

City Officials

MAYOR: Troy Poore

VICE-MAYOR: Randy Burchette


Kenneth West, EAST WARD

Randy Burchette, EAST WARD

Adam Wilson, WEST WARD

Letha Peters, WEST WARD

CMFO/City Recorder: Debra England

Municipal Court Clerk: Sherry Goode

Building Official:  David Laws

Fire Chief:  Justin Cupp

Title VI Coordinator: Adam Wilson

Beer Board:   Dennis Chumley,  Roy Yonts, Kenneth West

Planning and Zoning Committee Chair: Randy Burchette

Library Director: Eula Simpson

Library Assistant: N/A

Historian: Chris Fultz

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